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Sunrise Prayer Answered Before Breakfast

This morning, as I sat outside awaiting the sunrise, there was not a cloud in the boring sky.  Whether or not there are clouds, the sunrise is always a reminder of God’s faithfulness. There’s just something spectacular about the sun breaking through a cloud cover.

As I continued awaiting sunrise, I wrote this in my journal:


"Show me how to use my time for Your glory, Lord, when I know it is really Your time through me.  I give you my time. I’m waiting for your sunrise. While I’m waiting, please teach me:

How to structure my time in the Word:  prayer, music, reading, memorization

How to structure my time in writing and research

How to structure my time for health through exercising and cooking

How to structure my time for pleasure through gardening, reading, and stories, whether audible or on screen."


I have proof again that God answers prayer. Something spectacular happened in my clouded thinking: the sun broke through.  While fixing breakfast, I saw the reality of hours in my day, only 16 of them for activity and 8 of them for sleep, not 24 for whatever.  As I meditated upon this not-so-profound observation, I was convicted that without structure in my retirement years, I waste hours in useless and mindless activities.  I’ve got least five three-hour time slots each day!


I don't want to waste God's time through me, so I'm in the process of setting my schedule to reflect more purposeful activities. As I recognize my own need for structure, I’m sure that God will be faithful to direct my thoughts and activities.


How about you? Do you need help scheduling your life? Or putting a little more structure into it?

Let me know if I can be of help.


“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (NASB) OR

“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (NLT). Ps 90:12 AND

“Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.”(NLT) Ps 90:14


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